State of California Agency List: https://www.ca.gov/– Use this site as an index to California agencies, departments, licensing boards and commissions.
State Bar of California: www.calsb.org
Contractors State Licensing Board:
www.cslb.ca.gov– Check license and disciplinary status of contractors.
www.ss.ca.gov/business– Check on corporate status, active corporations, names, articles of incorporation, financing and tax lien information, uniform commercial code provisions and information about limited partnerships and limited liability companies.
State Court Judicial Council Forms:
https://www.courts.ca.gov/forms.htm– Review, download, or print mandatory and discretionary pleading and court forms including form unlawful detainer complaints, answers, small claims forms, post-judgment forms, abstracts, writs, summons, and family law forms. (Note that it is recommended that you consult an attorney before filing any pleadings other than small claims documents.)
Department of Consumer Affairs:
https://www.dca.ca.gov/– License status, consumer information and complaint procedures for Bureau of Automotive Repairs, Barbering and Cosmetology, accountancy, funeral services, and many other professions.
https://www.dmv.ca.gov/portal/dmv– Information regarding vehicle and drivers’ licensing, registration, office locations, smog requirements, license suspensions, title transfer and salvage procedures and insurance requirements.
www.insurance.ca.gov– Complaint procedures and other consumer information regarding insurance.
Small Claims Information Center:
https://www.courts.ca.gov/selfhelp-smallclaims.htm– Information, forms, procedures, and links to assist non-lawyers in the prosecution or defense of small claims proceedings.
Academy of California Adoption Attorneys:
American Academy of Adoption Attorneys:

“I think that he had a hand in making what was one of the most horrific things that had ever happened to me work out for my benefit. I highly recommend him!” - Tina
“Going through (my sisters) divorce is difficult but I’m so happy that she had the guidance of Robert Holmes who supported her every step of the way.” - Dave T.
“If you are looking for a "warm and fuzzy" personality this is not the attorney for you. However, if you need an aggressive highly respected litigator you would be foolish not to hire him. He is worth every penny.” - MM